Over time, even the most robust HVAC systems can wear down, becoming less efficient and more prone to failures. When that time comes, SoTex Air is here to guide you through the replacement process:

Free Estimates: We start by offering a transparent assessment, ensuring you understand the cost and benefits of a potential replacement.
System Assessment: It’s not just about replacement; it’s about upgrading. We evaluate your space, energy needs, and preferences to recommend the ideal system.
Energy-Efficient Options: Modern HVAC systems offer incredible energy-saving features. We’ll introduce you to units that not only enhance comfort but also reduce energy bills.
Professional Installation: Our expert technicians ensure that your new system is installed to the highest standards, optimizing its performance from day one.
Old System Disposal: We handle the removal and eco-friendly disposal of your old system, so you don’t have to.

Upgrade to Efficiency: Seamless HVAC Replacements Tailored for You

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Is your system not heating or cooling as it should, or not at all? Whether it’s strange noises, reduced airflow, temperature inconsistencies, or a complete “no cool” situation, our repair service is here to help. We’ll swiftly diagnose the issue and get your system back to optimal performance.


Think of maintenance as preventative care for your HVAC. Regular check-ups ensure your system is running smoothly, catching potential issues before they become costly problems. Our service includes cleaning filters, checking system components, and ensuring optimal performance to extend your HVAC’s lifespan.


Efficient insulation is key to maintaining consistent temperatures. We evaluate your current insulation setup and, if it’s falling short, we’ll recommend and install the best solution. Proper insulation not only ensures comfort but also boosts the efficiency of your HVAC system.


Breathe cleaner and healthier air indoors. We identify and address air quality issues, from excess humidity to dust and pollutants. This might involve introducing air purifiers, dehumidifiers, or upgraded filters to elevate the quality of your indoor environment.